PinnedPublished inThe DLTransformers from Scratch in PyTorchJoin the attention revolution! Learn how to build attention-based models, and gain intuition about how they work.Oct 20, 202012Oct 20, 202012
Published inThe DLEinops in 1 MinuteLearn to use `einops` for concise, readable, beautiful machine learning code.Jul 29, 2023Jul 29, 2023
Published inTDS ArchiveIntro to TorchData: A Walkthrough with Conceptual Captions 3MLearn how to use TorchData and DataPipes to efficiently stream large datasets like Conceptual Captions 3M.Mar 22, 2023Mar 22, 2023
Where I Find My Deep Learning News (2022 Update)It’s hard to find reliable sources of information when starting out in deep learning. These will save you time, effort, and headaches.Jun 2, 20221Jun 2, 20221
Published inThe DLTransformers Viewed as Generalizations of GCNsI show that GCNs are (almost) a special case of Transformers, and discuss how that affects our interpretation of each.Dec 13, 2020Dec 13, 2020
Published inThe DLWhere I Find My Deep Learning NewsIt’s hard to find reliable sources of information when starting out in deep learning. These will save you time, effort, and headaches.Dec 7, 2020Dec 7, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveFourier Convolutions in PyTorchMath and code for efficiently computing large convolutions with FFTs.Nov 18, 20201Nov 18, 20201
Published inThe DLEasy Self-Supervised Learning with BYOLBYOL is a surprisingly simple method to leverage unlabeled image data and improve your deep learning models for computer vision.Nov 5, 20202Nov 5, 20202
Published inThe DLUnderstanding the New AdaBelief OptimizerWe discuss the AdaBelief optimizer, explore how it works, and create a bare-bones implementation in PyTorch.Oct 25, 20202Oct 25, 20202
Published inThe DLHow to Use PyTorch HooksPyTorch hooks provide a simple, powerful way to hack your neural networks and increase your ML productivity.Sep 22, 20204Sep 22, 20204